Our Business Process
1. Log Yard
We produce 90% of all our products from logs. All our logs are purchased from the State Forestry Board Coillte Teo.
All logs that we process are FSC certified. As demonstrated in picture our logs come in from the forest pre-cut lengths, e.g. 3.7m, 4.3m,4.8m,5.5m,6.1m & 6.7m. We only saw large sawlog that is mature, at least 30 years old.

We debark all our logs before they enter the mill so as to have a nice clean log going through production. The main reason for debarking logs is to take the bark off the trees so as any dirt or stones that are on logs won’t destroy the sawblades. Timber being extracted from the forest can get quite dirty with the soil, stones and grit and hence destroy a sawblade.
Butt end reducing, reduces the butt end of the log to leave the log nice and uniform for the sawmill.
We have our own Sawmill and therefore can produce most sizes that are required from, fencing products, structural timber, Douglas Fir and Larch beams. At this stage we break down the log to a square piece of timber, e.g a fence post 1.8m 150 x 75 or a fence rail 4.8m 100 x 44.
This is where we do the shaping of posts to the style you require, ie Diamond Top, Special Top or the Post Head.
We manufacture all our gates, stable doors and mortice fencing posts here. We plane all of our timber in this shed and add final touches to bespoke measurements.
We pressure treat all our Fencing Timber in our own treatment plant. We use Osmoses Naturewood concentrate.
You can see the treated timber in the picture just after being treated.